Two Skin Fresheners and one small jar of Cleansing Cream? Talk about a Clean Getaway!
It always seems like I’m running out of Freshener just before I get to the last of the jar of Cleansing Cream. Maybe it’s because I’m using the Skin Freshener too much for other things — like disinfecting scrapes, relieving bug bites… even soaking 2 cotton rounds and putting them over my tired eyes for 10 minutes at night to alleviate puffiness and dark circles.
So, let’s solve this problem by getting 2 Fresheners with a single 5 oz. Cleansing Cream at a discount! It also makes an excellent gift for anyone you know who is looking for a new cleansing system!
Two Skin Fresheners, 8 oz. and one Cleansing Cream, 5.5 oz.
Carol Worley –
Can you believe I’m still using Edna 60 years later?
After reading Hazel’s story in your blog I thought, Wow, our stories are so much the same I could have written it myself. Started out using Edna in the mid-50′s and have used it ever since. Down through the years I tried other products from time to time but none were ever as good or did the job nearly as well.
There is a Mary Kay rep closely connected in my life. In wanting to help her I did try some of the basic products just to compare. It didn’t take long before I had to tell her that they did not come close to measuring up to Edna. I could not make the change and fortunately, it did not end our friendship.
I order Edna products on-line or over the phone and have the order the next day or 2 days at the most.
Just today I am taking advantage of your January sale of the 2 for 1 offer on the skin freshner with cleansing cream.
Karen Cox –
Love love this cleanser!!